Leadership Event FAQs

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions, in relation to our People Effect Leadership Event:

How do I know if I’m eligible to attend your Leadership event?

You’ll know either because you’ve been personally invited; or because you meet our eligibility criteria

How often does this Leadership event run?

This is an exclusive event, so we run it only three times each year.

How long is each Leadership event?

Each event starts at 15:00 on a Thursday and ends at 16:00 the next day.

When is the next Leadership event running?

The next event dates are the 25th to 26th January 2018.

Will I have to find my own accommodation?

Absolutely not! You will be accommodated in a five-star hotel in Manchester as part of the programme fee.

Will I be catered for?

Yes. All meals and refreshments will be provided across both days.

Is the hotel close by?

Yes. The event venue will be a short walking distance away from the hotel.

Will there be a charge for overnight parking?

Car parking will be free to you at the event venue. Furthermore, there will be concierge and transfer of luggage to the hotel.

What’s the dress code?

Strictly ‘jeans and a T-shirt’ – let’s be relaxed!

Finally, if you have a question we haven’t covered here you can email enquiries@people-effect.com and we’ll answer your query as quickly as we can.

Otherwise, if you already have all the information you need, then you can register your interest now, using the form on the right.