For a newly appointed Director, the biggest challenge is in letting go of the day to day responsibility and allowing a successor to learn and grow in the role. Executive coaching creates an implicit trust between you and your Executive Coach. As a result it’s easier to develop that with your people. And that’s a key component of business success.

For an established Director, the biggest challenge is complacency; believing that your experience in the role is enough to see you through. In practice, all approaches to leadership will work with some employees some of the time. And yet results will be hit and miss.

Helen Broughton’s Story – Executive Coaching: Individual & Team

Executive Coaching“Being co-founder and Director of a successful business is both challenging and invigorating.  You mentor and develop those you manage but who does the same for you and your senior team?  That is why we started working with Robyn.

Robyn is very respectful. She works with senior managers across the counties who are doing good jobs and running big businesses. So whatever they’re doing they need to carry on doing. And there is something about being able to be open and honest about the things that aren’t working at work (or at home). Hence you can get your thoughts in order again to think ‘okay, what do I need to do in order to put that right?’

It’s very disarming actually and I did get a huge amount from the Executive Coaching with Robyn.”

Read the full story…

Helen Broughton, Director of People and Standards, DANBRO

Executive Coaching provides objective feedback and challenge

You’ve reached a level in the organisation where feedback will have dried up. And those who do offer it aren’t always honest. Moreover, feedback doesn’t work as effectively when you’re one of the ‘higher ups’ looking down in the hierarchy.

So, for Executive Coaching to be a value-add intervention it must provide high support while delivering appropriate challenge. As Helen alludes to, who else will give you honest feedback?

The environment that best enables this comprises confidentiality, trust and honesty and we’re great at respecting your agenda and helping you to arrive at your own conclusions.

We recognise that each individual will occupy a different starting position for Executive Coaching. Nevertheless, one output of the coaching process is to support you in closing the gap between reality and expectation. Another is to assist you in setting, achieving and exceeding personal and business orientated goals and ambitions.

How about having a ‘chemistry meeting’ with Robyn; to see how you get along and to discuss how Executive Coaching might work for you?

Take a moment to complete the form and we’ll be in touch.