We use psychometric profiling with senior managers and key personnel. Individuals who want to take ownership of their leadership behaviours find this approach hugely beneficial. And where they must consciously manage those characteristics that may have a negative impact on the person’s career, the team and potentially the wider organisation.

Birgit Wilde’s Story – Psychometric Profiling

Psychometric Profiling“As part of my coaching work with Robyn, we discussed the merits of psychometric profiling. Specifically, how it could help me get a better understanding of my motives, values and preferences. Also it looked at my ‘bright side’ (how I come across to others) and my ‘dark side’ (interpersonal behaviour in out of comfort situations). I could access the questionnaires online and I could complete these at a place and time convenient for me.”

Read the full story…

Birgit Wilde, Senior Relationship Manager, Epsilon International

Organisations use psychometric profiling widely; sometimes individually and other times with whole teams. Why, because they recognise how crucial it is to have the right people working in the right role; and performing at the right level.

You can use psychometric profiling to support the selection process of key players within the business. And to enhance performance effectiveness of individuals and teams. Also, it is highly effective as a personal development tool. And as the basis for behavioural change in individuals and teams as well as a platform for coaching.

The requirement may be for a short-term relationship or where coaching is unfamiliar to the employee. And in these circumstances Psychometric profiling allows the individual to understand quickly the way they react to events; and the way they come across to others. We can then use the profiles to challenge current assumptions people make about themselves and to facilitate behavioural change.

Feedback approach critical to the value of Psychometric profiling

What makes a feedback tool genuinely useful is twofold:

The quality of the analysis we produce. So, rather than generalising we provide reports that are specific to the individual.

The way you use the information that we gather. More often than not, teams will engage in a feedback process. If they cannot interpret the information generated in the report – or they don’t really buy into the feedback; then, like the appraisal document it is put in a bottom drawer and forgotten.

Benefits of Psychometric Profiling

Assessments increase self-awareness and allow individuals to see how their preferences and behaviours are received by others.

Feedback outputs are entirely self-generated and skilful feedback enables participants to take a balanced view of their strengths and areas for development.

Each and every report is created based on human interpretation of the raw data (rather than computer-generated).

Our approach guides people down the ‘how to be’ rather than the ‘how to do’ route which shifts the focus from what managers do to how they behave.