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October 2, 2015

Seasoned Manager or Young Leader? It’s a Matter of Perception!

Reading an article concerning ‘what younger managers should know about how they are perceived’ got me to thinking about self perception. The article described older managers as ‘seasoned veterans’ (which they defined as over 45 years of age) and ‘young leaders’ of 30 years of age or less. I’m wondering […]
April 2, 2015

Five Ideas to Keep Staff Motivated Through Change

A question I get asked a lot is “How can I keep staff motivated during a difficult period of change?” A great question, especially since the pace of change is a constant challenge for managers in organisations. That and the resistance most people display (initially at least) in response to […]
October 1, 2014

Haven’t Refreshed Yourself Lately? Beware Your Expiry Date!

In my retail career with Habitat, when I was putting in long shifts and sleeping on those rare days off, I made little time to plan what I was going to eat, let alone do a proper shop. So, when I did make the effort to go to the supermarket […]