Human Resources

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July 8, 2016

Let me Tell you a Secret…

A friend once said that a secret is something shared with one other person; and that comment has never left me. If, when we are told something in confidence, we share that information with our spouse, best friend or close work colleague and they do the same; pretty soon that […]
February 7, 2015

Ever a Place for Office R.O.M.A.N.C.E? Seven Golden Rules to get it Right!

If you’ve ever engaged in a workplace romance (or worked in Human Resources and had to deal with the fallout) you will know that they are great fun whilst they’re going well and can be a career disaster when it all goes horribly wrong. So, how can you ensure your […]
October 1, 2012

Leadership Development, a Contradiction in Terms?

One of the biggest misconceptions about leadership in my experience is that once you’ve made it into a responsible position you’re supposed to know it all – not only the technical requirements of the role but also the skills to lead a team of people and to know how to […]