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March 29, 2014

Goals are for Setting and Forgetting

Given that I coach for a living, you might expect me to be passionate about goal setting and I am; just not the kind of goal setting that limits opportunities. You know the kind I mean: where you set your sights on something and remain so focused on the destination […]
February 7, 2014

This is Business! What has Love got to do with it?

In a recent interview I read with George Clooney, he said “Anyone would be lying if they said they didn’t get lonely at times. I’ve been infinitely more alone in a bad relationship; there’s nothing more isolating.” He was talking about personal relationships and I think the same can be […]
October 13, 2013

Natural Talent: A Blessing or a Curse?

One of my old bosses, CEO of a FTSE 250 Application Software business at the time, believed you could always spot the people who would go on to be successful in their chosen field. He deduced this from their work ethic and attitude towards the job. The ones who will […]